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A member registered Nov 02, 2017

Recent community posts

Thank you so much.

it's in a foreign language

I'll just wait for the update if it needs a rewrite.

Please do I need it.

What happened to rameses?

One of the best games I have ever played on itch.

I love Playscii, I've used it for a while. I cant wait for it to gain some traction.

DUGA community · Created a new topic Game is laggy

Help me the game is laggy.

It's pretty fun, sometimes my hand and my gun are on the floor and spazzing until they teleport back into my hands but other than that it's pretty fun!

It's so bad it's good

This is the best title for a game ever made.

I don't understand it

I'm in

Nice job stealing lancelot's fucking ideas you piece of garbage.

Really obscure and underated game, good work.

Really good

Imagine if this was in an sandbox game, everyone would look different.

it keeps freezing on launch.

or uhhh is it just uhhh online plauyherh and not multiplauyherh

Uhh like can I play this like...uhh local...uhh coop???? UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?